What Happens When An Offer is Accepted

Here is an example which explains what happens when a customer makes an offer and it is accepted. Following example represents a Simple Product on which an offer is made by the customer:

  1. A customer, say Ratnakar comes to the product page, likes the product, but does not want to pay the listed price. He clicks on the Offer You Price button.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  2. He sees the popup and enters his price in the ‘My Offer’ field.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  3. An acknowledgement message is shown.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  4. Offer Your Price plugin processes the offer and instantly sends an acceptance email with coupon code to the customer.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  5. This offer was accepted because the price quoted by the customer was higher than Minimum allowed price set for this product.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  6. This product is also using Global setting which are defined as per the image below.
    What happens when an offer is accepted
  7. So, minimum allowed price for this product will be 10% less than the Sale Price, i.e. 10% of 195 – (10% of 195) = 175.5. But customer offered 180, which is higher than 175.5, hence his offer is accepted.

Next – What happens when the customer’s offered price is rejected