Bulk Variations Manager Changelog

2023.09.29 - version 3.8.0
* New: Declare Bulk Variations Manager compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.1, 7.1.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.0, 7.4.1, 7.5.1, 7.6.1, 7.7.2, 7.8.2, 7.9.0, 8.0.3, 8.1.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.1 compatible
* Fix: Fatal error: Cannot declare class Smart_Manager_Pricing
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2023.02.16 - version 3.7.0
* New: WordPress 6.1.1 compatible
* New: 25% Off on Smart Manager Pro
* Update: Display number of options available in each attributes
* Update: Replaced 'ARRAY_A' with ARRAY_A
* Update: Correction in code indentation
* Update: POT file

2022.10.19 - version 3.6.0
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.0.3 compatible
* Update: Always load StoreApps Connector's latest version
* Update: POT file

2021.11.23 - version 3.5.0
* New: Tested with WooCommerce 5.4.3, 5.5.3, 5.6.1, 5.7.1, 5.8.0, 5.9.0
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.8.2
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2021.06.21 - version 3.4.0
* New: Tested with WooCommerce 4.7.1, 4.8.0, 4.9.2, 5.0.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.2, 5.3.0, 5.4.1
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.7.2
* Update: Order of attribute's list based on the order set under Products > Attributes
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2020.11.14 - version 3.3.0
* New: Tested with WooCommerce 4.3.3, 4.4.1, 4.5.2, 4.6.2, 4.7.0
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.5.3
* New: Hook 'bvm_is_sort_attribute_list' & option 'bvm_is_sort_attribute_list' to display attribute's list in sorted order or not on Bulk Variations Manager page.
* Update: A JavaScript way to control whether to proceed with applying the changes to variations or not
* Update: Sort/order the list of attributes & it's terms on Bulk Variations Manager page
* Update: Removed logging of unnecessary logs 'No errors'
* Update: Welcome page CSS + FAQ's
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2020.07.11 - version 3.2.0
* New: Tested with WooCommerce 3.5.8, 3.6.5, 3.7.1, 3.8.1, 3.9.3, 4.0.1, 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.0
* Update: Removed support for PHP 5.5 or lower
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2019.01.16 - version 3.1.6
* Update: StoreApps Connector Improvements
* Update: POT file

2018.10.31 - version 3.1.5
* Fix: Removed extra arguments for logging errors
* Update: In app offer

2018.10.29 - version 3.1.4
* New: Tested upto WooCommerce 3.5.0
* Update: Error logging
* Update: Load WordPress default SQL modes

2018.07.24 - version 3.1.3
* Update: Option to auto select attributes which are already available in the product
* Update: Option to modify number of variations to be loaded on product page

2018.07.02 - version 3.1.2
* Fix: Products & variations not creating (due to specific MySQL setting)
* Fix: Updating variations sometimes creating new variations instead of updating existing one
* Update: POT File

2018.05.29 - version 3.1.1
* New: Tested upto WooCommerce 3.4.0
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT File

2018.05.07 - version 3.1.0
* New: WooCommerce 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x compatibility
* New: Added WooCommerce version check meta
* New: Store Connector
* Fix: "Loading failed" when searching product under "Let me choose base products"
* Fix: Variations not adding in existing product
* Update: POT File

2017.08.16 - version 3.0.2
* New: WooCommerce 3.1.0+ compatibility
* Fix: Few JavaScript errors
* Tweak: StoreApps Upgrade file
* Update: POT File

2017.05.23 - version 3.0.1
* Fix: "No attributes found" even after column collation matched
* Update: POT File

2017.05.02 - version 3.0.0
* New: WooCommerce 3.0.0+ compatibility
* Update: Will now support only WooCommerce 2.5+
* Update: Upgrade file - Support for WordPress inline update
* Update: POT File

2017.01.12 - version 2.2.6
* Fix: Un-neccessary error "No attributes found" due to unmatched column collation

2016.10.10 - version 2.2.5
* Update: Important changes replated to automatic updates of this plugin

2016.08.05 - version 2.2.4
* Update: Improvements in Quick Help

2016.07.18 - version 2.2.3
* Fix: Sometimes created product variations shows "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable"
* New: Inline Quick Help available when you are working with the plugin

2016.06.16 - version 2.2.2
* Fix: Remove 'New product row' button not working
* Fix: StoreApps Upgrade file - many unwanted requests generating even in background process
* Update: Tested for WooCommerce 2.6
* Update: Minor change in help tip for products field under "Let me choose base products"

2016.05.06 - version 2.2.1
* Fix: Fatal error - 'continue' is not used inside loop
* Update: Minor change in CSS for social links on plugins page
* Update: Removal of warnings & notices generated from StoreApps Upgrade file

2016.03.25 - version 2.2
* New: Feature to check compatibility for high speed method
* Update: Show product count in each category
* Update: Improvements in Welcome page
* Update: FAQs

2015.12.10 - version 2.1.2
* Fix: Important fix related to WordPress 4.4, in StoreApps Upgrade file

2015.10.06 - version 2.1.1
* Update: Compatibility with variation price caching of WooCommerce 2.4.7

2015.09.21 - version 2.1
* New: Text Domain & Language loader
* New: Filter to load required attribute
* Fix: Synchronization of progress bar with actual process (Earlier method)
* Fix: Sometimes unable to create backup file (Default method)
* Update: Make texts translatable
* Tweak: Security improvements

2015.08.13 - version 2.0.1
* Update: WooCommerce 2.4 compatible

2015.06.04 - version 2.0
* New: Add, Update or Remove attributes from product
* New: Delete variations
* New: Select & deselect all categories
* New: Welcome page to know more about Bulk Variations Manager
* Update: Setting to make stable version 'default'

2015.02.25 - version 1.9
* Update: WooCommerce 2.3 compatible
* Update: Support for PHP version lower than 5.3

2014.10.25 - version 1.8
* Fix: Variations not creating, giving warnings 'Syntax error' or 'Undefined variable'
* Update: Search for even draft product under 'Let me choose Base Products'

2014.09.25 - version 1.7
* Update: WooCommerce 2.2 compatible

2014.06.19 - version 1.6
* Update: UI & Performance improvement

2014.04.16 - version 1.5.2
* Update: Important update related to 'update notification' of the plugin

2014.04.04 - version 1.5.1
* Fix: Important fix related to plugin updates

2014.02.14 - version 1.5
* Update: WooCommerce 2.1+ compatible

2013.12.25 - version 1.4
* Update: Reduced CPU consumption by 50%
* Update: Moved progress in page title

2013.12.02 - version 1.3
* Update: Added progress bar
* Update: Improved performance
* Update: New class for upgrade

2013.09.06 - version 1.2
* Fix: Update variation not working correctly

2013.09.04 - version 1.1
* New: Inherit access privilege from Smart Manager
* New: Links for Demo & form to contact us directly
* Update: Notifications from the plugin

2013.08.28 - version 1.0.1
* Fix: Price fields doesn't allow decimal value

2013.08.15 - version 1.0
* First release