Express Login For WordPress Changelog

2024.01.03 - version 1.8.0
* New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatible
* New: Declare Express Login For WordPress compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* New: WordPress 6.4.2 compatible
* Fix: Express login link applying only one coupon when used with the Buy Now link containing multiple coupons
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2022.10.18 - version 1.7.0
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.0.3 compatible
* Fix: WordPress 5.9+ related graphics are showing on Express Login for WordPress page
* Update: Always load StoreApps Connector's latest version
* Update: POT file

2021.11.18 - version 1.6.0
* New: WordPress 5.8.2 compatible
* Update: POT file

2021.07.17 - version 1.5.2
* New: WordPress 5.7.2 compatible
* Fix: Settings page not loading if WooCommerce plugin is not activated
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2020.11.18 - version 1.5.1
* Update: StoreApps Connector

2020.10.19 - version 1.5.0
* New: Show customer's login link on WooCommerce Orders Dashboard [Admin]
* New: Show customer's login link on WooCommerce edit order and Subscriptions edit subscriptions page [Admin]
* New: WordPress 5.5+ compatible
* Update: Do not show admin login link to another admin on Users dashboard [Admin]
* Update: Remove social media links from Express Login page
* Update: WordPress coding standards
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2019.05.31 - version 1.4.1
* Fix: Express login link not generating via shortcode [MailPoet]

2019.05.27 - version 1.4.0
* New: WordPress coding standard
* New: Shortcode '[sa_elwp_url]' for generating express login URL
* New: Support for Express Login shortcode in MailPoet [] custom shortcode '[custom:sa_elwp_url]'
* Fix: Sometimes the express login link fails to login on first instance
* Update: Set default validity of the express link as 1 month, if not defined
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2018.05.29 - version 1.3.6
* Tweak: Session handling (Thanks To: Antonius Hegyes)
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file

2017.08.01 - version 1.3.5
* Fix: By default do not generate express login link for admin user
* Update: Upgrade file

2017.06.01 - version 1.3.4
* Fix: Export csv not working for large number of users

2016.11.14 - version 1.3.3 
* Fix: Redirect to link not redirecting the user to the correct link instead it always redirected to the homepage

2016.10.10 - version 1.3.2
* Update: Important changes replated to automatic updates of this plugin

2016.08.05 - version 1.3.1
* Fix: Sometimes it's not exporting CSV file including express login link
* Update: Minor update for Quick Help

2016.07.20 - version 1.3
* New: Quick Help available in the plugin when using the plugin
* Fix: Secret key update status icon was not showing properly
* Update: Removed usage of email from express login link for security, introduced 'pk' instead
* Update: Encode URL param for creating safe URL
* Update: Remove express login params upon successful login
* Update: Language loader

2015.12.10 - version 1.2.5
* Fix: Important fix related to WordPress 4.4, in StoreApps Upgrade file

2015.09.06 - version 1.2.4
* Update: Minor change in upgrade file

2015.08.31 - version 1.2.3
* New: Filter for generating express login links in bulk

2015.08.13 - version 1.2.2
* Fix: Sometimes "Download .csv" button not exporting file
* Tweak: Saving Secret Key

2014.04.16 - version 1.2.1
* Update: Important update related to 'update notification' of the plugin

2013.12.06 - version 1.2
* Fixes for unnecessary redirect after logging in
* Added new filter for other plugins to generate express login links
* Optimizations

2013.11.28 - version 1.1
* Update: Append express login parameters in generated URL

2013.11.27 - version 1.0
* First release