= 9.1.0 (02-11-2023) =
* New: Strengthen security [Thanks to: Wordfence]
* Update: POT file
= 9.0.0 (16-11-2022) =
* New: Strengthen security [Thanks to: Patchstack & Mika]
* Update: Set 'autoload' for options as 'no'
* Update: Code improvements
* Update: POT file
= 8.8.8 (21-11-2020) =
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.5.3
* Fix: Error in the browser's console when editing a news
* Update: POT file
= 8.8.7 (03-04-2019) =
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.1.1
* Update: Do not close PHP tags
* Update: POT file
= 8.8.6 (27-07-2018) =
* Fix: Remove unwanted trunk folder from the plugin directory
= 8.8.5 (26-07-2018) =
* New: Compatible with WordPress 4.9.7
* Update: Removed used of chunk_split from the redirect url as it was breaking the display of link in the News List dashboard
* Update: POT file
= 8.8.4 (19-01-2017) =
* New: Compatible with WordPress 4.7.1
* Update: Text corrections and UI improvements
* Update: Removed translation files from the languages folder
* Update: 5 star rating link
= 8.8.3 (18-07-2016) =
* New: Feature to add redirect link to the news
* New: Redirect to News Announcement Scroll settings page on plugin activation
* New: Added Docs & Settings link on the plugins page
* Fix: Horizontal and Vertical alignment for news not working
* Update: Text correction in few places
* Update: Updated POT file
= 8.8.2 (23-05-2016) =
* Fix: Removed the dependency between shortcode and widget to be necessarily present in active sidebar because of which shortcode was not working when added in theme file
* Fix: Removed the dependency between php function and widget to be necessarily present in active sidebar because of which php function was not working when added in theme file
= 8.8.1 (12-05-2016) =
* Fix: Code for adding widget to the theme file
* Update: Tested up to 4.5.2
* Update: Revised readme page
* Update: Added missing shortcode details on the plugin page
* Update: Text correction in few places
* Update: Code indentation
* Update: Updated POT file
= 8.8 (2-05-2016) =
* New: Scripts are now localized and can be translated
* New: New shortcode from v8.8 [news-announcement group="sample"]
* Fix: News display order when shortcode is used.
* Update: Tested up to 4.5.1
* Update: Added POT file
* Update: Updated help & 5-star link
* Update: Revised readme page
* Update: Text correction in few places
* Update: Code indentation
= 8.7.1 (18-12-2015) =
* New contributor has been added.
= 8.7 =
* Tested up to 4.4
= 8.6.1 =
* Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs.
= 8.6 =
* Tested up to 4.3
= 8.5 =
* Tested up to 4.2.2
= 8.4 =
* Tested up to 4.1
= 8.3 =
* Tested up to 4.0
= 8.2 =
* New option to add publish date for news announcement.
= 8.1 =
* Tested up to 3.9
= 8.0 =
* Tested up to 3.8 (Beta)
* Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. Plugin .po file (newsscroll.po) available in the languages folder. Translators Welcome.
* Supports network multisite website (Needs to create table manually).
= 7.0 =
* Tested up to 3.6
* Added some security feature.
* New admin look.
= 6.0 =
* Tested up to 3.5
= 5.0 =
* New demo link
= 4.0 =
* Tested up to 3.4
= 3.0 =
* Tested up to 3.3
* Javascript included as per WP standard.
= 2.0 =
* Shortcode available for posts and pages.
= 1.0 =
* First version.