Recently Viewed Products for WooCommerce Shortcode

Recently Viewed Products are shown using the shortcode [sa_recently_viewed_products]

This shortcode is functional in the plugin. But there are plans to develop it more & add more features, options, setting & flexibility to the shortcode.

Shortcode Attributes

Attributes Default Possible Values Description
product_count 5 Any non-decimal number Number of products to display in the list
order_by seq seq / rand Order for displaying recently viewed products, in sequential order or randomnly
layout horizontal horizontal / vertical Layout of recently viewed product’s list
slider yes yes / no Whether to make list of recently viewed product slide or show as static list
direction rtl rtl / ltr / ttb / btt If slider is enabled what should be the direction of slider: Right-to-left (rtl), left-to-right (ltr), top-to-bottom (ttb), bottom-to-top (btt)
template template1 template1 / template2 Currently the plugins comes with only 2 templates. This list of templates will grow as the time progresses.
add_to_cart (upcoming) hover hover / inline Whether to show Add to cart button on hover or inline