Smart Offers Additional Settings

1. Showing an offer on Order Complete Page for other / custom order statuses

By default, Smart Offers will show offer on Order Complete page if Order Status is Completed or Processing. If you want to show offer on other order statuses (or custom order statuses), then you can add that order status in the option.

For example, if you want to show offer on order status ‘on-hold’ along with ‘completed, processing’, then kindly follow these steps:

  1. Open your database & then go to {prefix}options table
  2. Search for the row having option_name as ‘smart_offers_valid_order_status_to_show_offer
  3. If that row is present in the table, then click on edit and enter
    option_value => completed,processing,on-hold

    and click on save.

  4. If that row is not present in the table, then click on Insert & then add
    option_name => smart_offers_valid_order_status_to_show_offer
    option_value => completed,processing,on-hold

    and click on Go. That’s it!

2. Calculate earnings on Smart Offers Dashboard & WordPress Dashboard Widget and correspondingly show offers to customers for other / custom order statuses

By default, Smart Offers will calculate earnings on Smart Offers Dashboard & WordPress Dashboard Widget and correspondingly show offers to customers if order atatus is Completed or Processing or On Hold. If you want to add another order status (or custom order statuses), then you can add that order status in the option.

For example, if you want to add a custom order status ‘shipping’ along with ‘completed, processing, on-hold’, then kindly follow these steps:

  1. Open your database & then go to {prefix}options table
  2. Search for the row having option_name as ‘so_valid_order_statuses_for_earning
  3. If that row is present in the table, then click on edit and enter
    option_value => a:4:{i:0;s:12:"wc-completed";i:1;s:13:"wc-processing";i:2;s:10:"wc-on-hold";i:3;s:11:"wc-shipping";}

    and click on save.

  4. If that row is not present in the table, then click on Insert & then add
    option_name => so_valid_order_statuses_for_earning
    option_value => a:4:{i:0;s:12:"wc-completed";i:1;s:13:"wc-processing";i:2;s:10:"wc-on-hold";i:3;s:11:"wc-shipping";}

    and click on Go. That’s it!

If you need any help with setting above options, feel free to get in touch and we will help you setting it up.