Introduction & Live Demo for Offer Your Price

Everyone loves a good deal. And when you have the freedom to choose what to pay for a product, things get even better! This Offer Your Price plugin also called Name Your Price plugin lets you create a “pay what you want”, “name your own price” or “donation based” pricing system.

Customers can either buy at the listed price or make an offer. If the offered price is higher than the minimum bidding price threshold you’ve set, the offer is accepted and the customer is emailed a coupon immediately.

If not, a counter offer is sent to the customer. Everything is instant and automated. Set it once and let the cash registers roll!

There are situations when a customer doesn’t purchase a product due to its price. Offer Your Price plugin gives them the option to name their price, and sends a discount coupon after comparing the offered price with pricing rules the store owner has set.

Get Offer Your Price plugin

Live demo

Click here to check Live Demo of Offer Your Price plugin.