What is Smart Manager? Quick Introduction & Live Demo

Smart Manager is a powerful WooCommerce and WordPress plugin to bulk edit and manage all your WooCommerce products, orders, users, posts, pages, coupons and others right from a single screen, using an Excel-like spreadsheet.

It also gives you the power to bulk edit and manage any WordPress post type and any custom fields added by – WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Memberships, WooCommerce Dropshipping, WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Product Add-ons, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), etc.

Additionally, you can also bulk edit and manage any WordPress taxonomy such as Product Categories, Product Tags, Product Brands, etc.

Here’s how to get started with Smart Manager

Top Smart Manager features

Works for all the post types / taxonomies and custom fields:

  • Bulk edit records or Schedule Bulk Edits
  • Filter records based on simple and advanced search
  • Inline editing
  • Infinite scrolling – View all the records at one place
  • Add new records
  • Delete/Trash single, multiple or all records or delete records based on filters
  • Duplicate single, multiple or all records or duplicate records based on filters
  • Sort records based on any column across the entire database
  • Export all records, selected records or records based on filters to CSV
  • Import Product CSV
  • Create Excel-like custom views/segmented views
  • Print PDF invoices for orders
  • Undo changes done using Inline edit or Bulk edit
  • Rename Smart Manager grid column headers
  • View WooCommerce Product Stock Log
  • Restrict access to various dashboards based on specific users or user roles

Click here to watch some short videos for the above functionalities

Live demo

Click here to see a live demo of Smart Manager Pro.