Cart Page: The best place to gain loyalty and close more deals

Research proves that the best time when the customer is willing to shell out more is when he has his credit card in his hand. He already has a mindset of buying stuff and if he gets an attractive deal, he might as well buy more… This makes the checkout page/cart page a very important sales option.

Suppose a customer has already added some products to cart and is checking out… You can use following tactics your checkout page and close bigger deals (that were not even possible before!!)

Free Gifts

A powerful tactic to gain customer loyalty is offering a free gift. Since the customer is already buying something, you can offer a relevant free gift on the cart page. Customer will most likely buy it and be a lot more happier.

In a slight variation to this tactic, instead of offering a free gift, you can offer another product that has a gift attached..

For example: In the image below the customer is offered the product “Offer your Price” in order to avail a free mystery gift.

Free gift offer

P.S. There’s something about free, something about mystery, and something about gifts that always works!

Next Visit Offers

Customer retention is an oft debated topic and probably the backbone of many businesses. Here’s a simple strategy to make your customer come back for more…

For example: If Sarah has made a purchase worth $1500 at your store, offer a $350 store credit coupon to her during checkout. This coupon will be dispatched when order is placed and can be used for any future purchases.

This offer not only keeps Sarah satisfied for the $350 discount that she will get but also ensures that Sarah will come back to make another purchase and redeem the coupon!

Offer a bundle

A bundle offered on the cart page can be an excellent sales strategy. The customer is already spending and if you give him a much higher value via a combo / bundle, he is likely to go for it. Bundles have a reputation of being way cheaper than buying the same items individually. So a smarty priced offer will increase your conversion rates.

For example: If Ted has purchased just one product i.e “Offer your Price”, you can show him a combo offer having “Offer your Price” bundled with other products at a discount rate.

bundle offer

The old favorite – Related Products

If your customer has just downloaded the “lite” version with limited features, offer him the advanced version at a fantasticly discounted price.


If customer has shopped for an apparel you can offer him/her a pair of shoes to complete the look.

Complete the look Offer

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