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Lots of Variations? – Must Have Plugin – Bulk Variations Manager

My Company was started in 2009 and has grown over the years. Using WordPress/WooCommerce I built the website. The one issue I had is that, being ‘Custom Made’ products I needed to give my customers lots of options/variations. Some products having over 1500 variations/combinations. Within WooCommerce, although allowing the regular price to be set, all additional attributes/prices had to be added manually. As you can imagine this took hours to add each combination with its own price for each product. I then found the Bulk Variations Manager WordPress plugin by StoreApps which allows you to set the regular price, add an additional price for each attribute and at the click of a button all the prices for variations/combinations are calculated automatically. This saves hours and hours of work.

After using the plugin Bulk Variations Manager for a few years it suddenly stopped working. I contacted Support and they were very patient with me and realized how important this plugin was to the smooth running of my website and allowing me to add new products. After trial and error, it was found that certain settings needed to be upgraded in PHP, particularly the php_max_vars_input setting. It is now working brilliantly and it is much faster than previously when you add variations from all attributes.

Thank you to the team at StoreApps for helping to ensure Bulk Variations Manager is now working smoothly and I really don’t know how I could continue with my business without it.