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How to Add and Bulk Edit Sale Price in WooCommerce?

This article explains how you can edit WooCommerce sale price in bulk. Increase or decrease price by number or percentage, use copy from or set as regular price.

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Although it is easy to edit the prices of a couple of products in your WooCommerce store, it becomes a tedious task for store owners and marketers to make edits when there is a massive number of products to edit.

To not exhaust you with this entire process, Smart Manager comes into the picture. It’s a simple plugin that not only saves your time but also gets the work done aptly.

You can update your WooCommerce sale price quickly in bulk, saving your precious time.

This article will help you how to bulk update sale prices in WooCommerce using Smart Manager.

First, we will see how to add and modify the sale price and regular price using default WooCommerce.

How to add sale price and regular price with default WooCommerce?

The core WooCommerce allows users to add and modify the sale price and regular price for the individual product.

  • Go to WordPress Admin > Products.
  • Add a new product or open an existing one to add the sale price and regular price.
  • Scroll down and go to the Product data panel.
  • Select the Simple product from the drop-down menu. For individual product variations, you need to create a variable product first, create product variations, and then set prices for each of them.
  • In the General tab, add the prices under the Regular price and Sale price fields respectively.
  • Click on the Update button.
WooCommerce add sale price to product

Repeat the same steps to set or modify prices for each product in your store.

However, this is feasible for hardly five to ten products only, and that too for a few times.

If you have hundreds of products, including product variants and other product types, you can’t bulk edit the sale price using default WooCommerce.

That’s when the Smart Manager plugin becomes your savior.

How to bulk edit sale price with Smart Manager?

You may have to change the product prices multiple times during festivals, holidays, or any special occasions when multiple offers are running on all the products of your stores.

You can’t simply invest hours and hours to change the prices of each product manually.

The Smart Manager plugin helps you edit the prices of each product as well as the prices of all products in bulk with the same convenience.

The plugin provides all your product details in an Excel-like spreadsheet. So viewing them and making changes in bulk is simple and quick.

Smart Manager products dashboard

You can also set the sale price as regular price, or use ‘copy from‘ to assign a single sale price to multiple products.

Steps to perform bulk edit for sale price or regular price

  • Go to Smart Manager > Products dashboard. Click on the top header checkbox to select all items available in your store, or select the ones you want to set or edit prices for.
  • Click on Bulk Edit. It will open up a slide-over panel.
  • Select Sale price from the drop-down list of select fields.
  • In the drop-down of the next option set to, you get options to determine the exact sale price you want to set:
    • set to
    • increase by %
    • decrease by %
    • increase by specific number
    • decrease by specific number
    • copy from
    • set to regular price
  • WooCommerce sale price edit
  • In the last drop-down, fill in the value. You can add other product fields to bulk update them also in a single bulk edit operation.
  • Click on Update and select whether to bulk update sale prices Now or Schedule for later for automatic update.
  • bulk edit WooCommerce sale price details
  • Click the Schedule for later option if you need to apply bulk changes in the future. A modal dialog Schedule Bulk Edit will appear.
  • Enter the Title name for this task. It will help you find this task and undo it later.
  • After naming the task, enter the date and time in the Schedule for section.
  • Click Ok.

Once this scheduling process is complete, you’ll see the Sale price column updated at the set date and time. You can perform a similar thing when dealing with regular prices in WooCommerce.

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How to update the sale price or regular price for a single product or limited products?

Well, you do it directly using the spreadsheet.

  • Click on the cell of the particular item you want to edit.
  • Edit the price you wish to set and Save.

As we mentioned before, unlike default WooCommerce, the Smart Manager helps you edit the sale price based on different factors including product categories.

How to edit the sale price based on product category?

To make changes for a specific product category:

  • Open Smart Manager Products dashboard.
  • Mention the product category you wish to edit in the Advanced Search bar placed at the top.
  • Click on Bulk Edit if you wish to edit all the items in one go.
  • Select the Sale price from the drop-down list of select fields.
  • In the drop-down of the next option set to, choose the option as per you wish to edit the price.
  • Click on the Update button.

That’s all.

This discussion related to the bulk edit has led you to make changes in the sale price whenever the need arises. However, once the sale ends, you need to revert back to the original product prices.

How to revert back to the previous product prices?

To undo the changes in the WooCommerce sale price with the Smart Manager’s bulk edit feature, you need to:

  • Open Smart Manager Products dashboard.
  • Click the Show Tasks at the top right corner near the Column button. All the tasks from the bulk edit and inline edit are visible for the current dashboard.
  • To undo changes, hover over the Undo icon in the top bar. A drop-down menu will appear with two options:
    1. Selected Tasks
    2. All Tasks
  • You can choose either one based on your requirements. Once selected, an Attention modal dialog will appear.
  • Click Yes.

That’s it. The sale prices related to products in the tasks will revert to the original and changes will appear on the website.

Use cases of bulk editing sale prices

  • Update prices across hundreds or thousands of products quickly for major sales events like Black Friday or Christmas.
  • Clearing out old inventory to make room for new seasonal products often involves bulk price reductions.
  • Increase price across the clothing category during season changes and for new arrivals.
  • Adjusting prices in response to competitors’ pricing strategies.

and in many such use cases, the Smart Manager plugin will help you update prices quickly and easily.

Ending notes

Smart Manager has made editing the sale price and regular prices easier than ever before. Not just for products, you can also bulk edit data fields for orders, coupons, users and any WordPress post type.

19K+ users rely on it daily to ease their store management tasks.

With Smart Manager, businesses can now effectively work on their pricing strategy with its advanced features. It results in the stability of their revenue pipeline and streamlines business operations.

Get Smart Manager plugin

2 thoughts on “How to Add and Bulk Edit Sale Price in WooCommerce?

  1. Hi
    that seems easy, but more important is to set the sale price based on the regular price.
    – Copy regular price to sale price
    – Decrease sale price by 20%

    In the demo version it does not work, Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Caspar,

      We tried it in the Demo version and it’s working perfectly.

      Before you proceed:

      • Ensure that the Regular price for the product is not set to 0 or blank.
      • Do not try to run the same bulk edits on variable parent product as regular price and sale price for these products is set automatically.

      Try it out and share your views.

      Btw…you can also create a new product and then try the same bulk edit operations. I hope this helps.

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