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How to Set Up WooCommerce One Click Checkout(2 Best Plugins)

What WooCommerce one-click checkout is? Learn how it can help you reduce cart abandonment rates. Explore necessary plugins to set it up and create targeted upsell, cross-sell, BOGO and other conditional offers to enhance the Woo funnel.

Last updated on July 6, 2024

Cart abandonment is the greatest pain you face as an online retailer. In just a decade, the average cart abandonment rate has gone over 70%.

Most carts are abandoned due to lengthy & cumbersome checkout steps, security risks, slow page loading, payment processing issues and high costs.

Or maybe customers want to compare prices elsewhere and come back later but they don’t.

To address these issues, the WooCommerce one click checkout would be the perfect fit like a last missing piece in the puzzle. It can enhance the shopping experience for your customers and guest users and encourage them to be your loyal customer base.

Let’s discuss the one-click checkout in detail and how to set it up using plugins.

What is one click checkout?

The one-click checkout is a simple online sales technique to complete the purchase in one click, using information from users’ past orders and saved payment details.

No cart page, no checkout page, no payment details; direct order completion.

cashier buy now workflow explanation wireframe

Though it was first initiated by Amazon in 1995, nowadays, most online stores use this method to provide fast checkout. Customers go to the product page, click on the Buy Now button and complete the purchase in one go.

That’s how this one click checkout in WooCommerce makes the shopping experience smooth and fast.

How to set up WooCommerce one click checkout?

The standard WooCommerce doesn’t offer any option to set up one click checkout. It only offers the basic checkout method – add to cart, create an account, fill in checkout details and make payment. You need plugins to set up a one click checkout.

Though the WooCommerce marketplace offers a few good checkout plugins, still you can not waste your precious time searching for the right plugin and experimenting endlessly.

Therefore, consider these two plugins, trusted by several happy clients on WooCommerce:

  1. Cashier for WooCommerce
  2. Smart Offers

Enable one-click checkout with Cashier

Cashier has been a sturdy assistance for WooCommerce stores in setting up different checkout methods – direct checkout, one page checkout and one-click checkout.

You can create quick ‘Buy Now’ links or buttons to complete the purchase and help customers to skip the cart and other unnecessary checkout steps. As a result, it ensures a smooth checkout flow and reduces cart abandonment.

A few requirements need to be fulfilled before enabling one click checkout process using Cashier. They are:

  • Accepting payments via any of these payment gateways:
    1. WooCommerce Stripe
    2. Authorize.Net CIM
    3. WooCommerce PayPal Powered by Braintree
    4. Standard PayPal built-in with WooCommerce
    5. Direct Bank Transfer built-in with WooCommerce
    6. Cheque Payments built-in with WooCommerce
    7. Cash on Delivery built-in with WooCommerce
  • Enable the use of saved cards in the settings of the specified payment gateways.
  • After enabling saved cards, the customer must have made at least one payment using Stripe, WooCommerce Authorize.Net CIM, WooCommerce PayPal Powered By Braintree or PayPal.
  • The customer should be registered on your store, have an account, and have at least one completed order paid through any of the mentioned payment gateways.

Steps to set WooCommerce one click checkout

Purchase the Cashier plugin from the WooCommerce marketplace. Install and activate it. Then:

  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Cashier.
  2. Enable the Buy Now module if it is disabled.
  3. Next, click the Configure button.
  4. cashier enable configure buy now module
  5. Under Add to Cart and Checkout setup, you get two options:
    • Check ‘Replace ‘Add to cart’ with ‘Buy Now’ for all products’ to enable one-click checkout.
    • Next, if you want to enable one-click checkout for specific products, check ‘I will configure Buy Now options in each product where I want it’.
  6. Next comes the Additional Setting section. To auto-apply coupon and shipping methods upon clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button, add coupon in the Apply coupon section and preferred shipping method in the Shipping method section.
  7. Save the changes.
cashier setting buy now save changes

That’s it.

Now, whenever customers who have previously ordered and saved their card details click on the ‘Buy Now’ button, their purchase will be completed in a single click.

That’s it for setting up the one-click checkout for WooCommerce. However, there is more than what meets the eye. Cashier also offers many advanced characteristics for your WooCommerce stores.

Other powerful features of Cashier plugin

  • Easy installation, no code required.
  • Quick checkout for new and guest users.
  • Set up one page checkout and direct checkout.
  • WooCommerce checkout field editor:
    • Edit/enable/disable/remove default checkout fields.
    • Add custom fields in three sections- Billing, Shipping, and Additional.
    • Supports various field types, such as text, password, email, phone, select, multi-select, text area, and radio.
  • Automate ‘frequently bought together’ for upselling and cross-selling.
  • Provide auto-fill billing and shipping information from purchasing history.
  • The versatility of the ‘Buy Now’ feature includes:
    • Flexibility to enable the ‘Buy Now’ button for the entire store, specific products, or product categories.
    • Convert all ‘Add to Cart’ links to ‘Buy Now’ links.
    • Embed coupons and shipping methods to the ‘Buy Now’ buttons.
    • Use Buy Now links in emails, social media, blog posts, etc.
    • Customize the ‘Buy Now’ buttons and name them as ‘Quick Buy’ or ‘Shop Now’.
  • Side cart for easy cart access and display cart notices to increase AOV.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions, SMS for WooCommerce and Customer Email Verification.

Pricing: $149/year

Get Cashier for WooCommerce

Enable one click checkout with Smart Offers

Like Cashier, the same requirements should be met for one-click checkout using the Smart Offers plugin. It supports the same seven payment gateways that the Cashier supports.

Trusted by over 7K users, Smart Offers has become one of the most reliable and trusted WooCommerce extensions to run targeted upsells, cross-sells, discount rules, BOGO and order bump offers.

smart offers collage

Steps to set WooCommerce one click checkout

  1. Go to WordPress admin > Smart Offers > Settings.
  2. Click on the Buy Now tab.
  3. Under Add to Cart and Checkout setup:
    • Check ‘Convert all “Add to cart” actions to “Buy Now”’ to enable one-click checkout for all products.
    • If you want to enable one-click checkout for specific products, check ‘Use “Buy Now” settings configured in the product.’
  4. Enable other settings if required.
  5. Save the changes.
smart offers buy now settings

Now, if existing users click on the Buy Now button, they will bypass the checkout process and receive the order confirmation directly provided all their details are complete and not altered.

Try Smart Offers live demo

Other powerful features of Smart Offers plugin

  • Sequence offers to create high-converting sales funnels.
  • Show product bundles as upsell. We recommend using Chained Products to create pre-configured product bundles.
  • Run giveaways and backend offers.
  • Set up tripwires.
  • Display conditional offers on the cart page, checkout page, or thank you page.
  • Send upsell offers to customers via email.
  • Compatible with Smart Coupons, WooCommerce Subscriptions, Custom Thank You Page and more.

Pricing: $149/year

Get Smart Offers


The quick checkout feature is not a luxury but a must-have for any website.

Both Cashier and Smart Offers are multi-functional plugins. It will take care of your checkout optimization and also conversions in the sales funnel.

Use them on your website to relieve customers from the pain of the lengthy checkout process, thus ensuring reduced cart abandonment rates and increased sales at your end.

2 thoughts on “How to Set Up WooCommerce One Click Checkout(2 Best Plugins)

  1. Hi. Would I be able to do one-click-upsells with this?

    1. To setup one-click-upsell you’ll need one more plugin Smart Offers. You can read more about this from here

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