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A Simple Way to Bulk Edit WooCommerce Coupons is Here

Save time and efforts. Learn how to bulk edit WooCommerce coupons quickly - search & delete, increase/decrease amount, extend expiry date etc. And best use cases for bulk managing coupons.

bulk edit woocommerce coupons

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Is managing thousands of WooCommerce coupons a headache for you?

Looking out for an easy way to manage coupons in bulk and save time?

This is the right place for you. You’ll learn how to bulk edit WooCommerce coupons and some smart use cases of bulk editing coupons.

Why you need bulk edit for your WooCommerce coupons?

When Black Friday & Cyber Monday roll around, you’re in top gear, right? Marketing efforts are at their peak!

And one of the biggest marketing tasks is managing coupons in bulk.
Be it creating discounts, store credit, gift cards or special coupons for targeted customers

Thankfully, there’s WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin that takes care of these tasks.

Bulk generating coupons, import-export, issue store-credit / gift cards, etc. No doubt, it’s the most popular WooCommerce coupons plugin.

WooCommerce Smart Coupons gift card

But these daunting coupons task can kill your business

There’s no traditional way to manage hundreds and thousands of coupons in bulk.

Consider this:

  • You want to search and delete all fixed discount coupons greater than $20 and restricted for individual use.
  • Or you want to extend all store credit issued in the previous six months
  • Or edit all coupons that were allowed for free shipping
  • There are hundreds of cases like these mentioned above.

    Tell me, will you dig through thousands of coupons? Will you select coupons one by one to delete or modify them?

    Are you willing to dedicate your precious time to these frustrating tasks and let them impact your business?

    If not, here’s a plugin that will get rid of these problems for youWooCommerce Smart Manager.

    How to bulk edit and manage WooCommerce coupons with Smart Manager?

    Smart Manager dashboard to bulk edit WooCommerce coupons

    Smart Manager lets you manage your entire WooCommerce store using an excel-like spreadsheet, with ease and peace.

    As shown in the image above, select post type Coupons from the drop-down and all your coupons data will be shown in a spreadsheet view.

    You can bulk edit coupons, make inline edits, search for coupons and make changes, export coupons data and do a lot more.

    Let’s take a sneak peek into what can you get done for your coupons with Smart Manager.

    Bulk edit all coupon fields

    Title, status, coupon code, coupon amount, discount type, expiry date, description, allow free shipping, individual use, exclude sale items, exclude product categories, email restrictions, location restrictions, min-max amount, coupon usage limit, usage limit per user…any field you talk about.

    Example – Delete coupons in bulk based on a keyword (watch the above video), increase thirty coupons amount by 10%, decrease the fixed amount of all coupons by $15…you can do it using Smart Manager’s Bulk Edit.

    Inline edit coupons quickly

    Make multiple changes directly and save it all at once. Modify coupon amount, coupon discount type, coupon codes, publish/draft coupons, set/modify expiry date directly, etc.

    Filtered export

    Export coupons data as per your requirements – all coupons or coupons based on date, search and column filters (export only the required columns).

    Search coupons by keywords, date, coupon type, etc.

    Our robust search feature will help you find what you need within seconds!

    Add & delete coupons directly

    Easily add new coupons. Delete all / multiple coupons based on search filters.

    Duplicate coupons

    Easily make a copy of selected coupons or all the existing coupons.

    Other benefits of using Smart Manager

    Manage, bulk edit, export products, orders, pages, blog posts…any WordPress post type and custom fields.

    Smart Manager is also compatibility with these top WooCommerce & SEO plugins. WooCommmerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Bookings, Smart Coupons, Chained Products, Yoast, RankMath and others. You can manage fields of these plugins as well.

    Overall, Smart Manager helps you save your time and effort on manually editing each post type. It eliminates the risk of human errors and miscalculations, reduces the risk of missing out on any record. And yes, gives the simplest store management people always wish for.

    20K+ users rely on Smart Manager daily to manage their WooCommerce store and accomplish hours of work within a few clicks (and a few minutes). Believe me, users have bulk edited 150000 entries in a few minutes successfully.

    Get Smart Manager

    Ten best ways to bulk edit WooCommerce coupons using Smart Manager

    Doing the following tasks using Smart Manager will make your life easier! In the below cases, the advanced coupon restrictions and store credit or gift cards are created using Smart Coupons plugin.

    Find all coupons that are used multiple times

    Input these conditions in Smart Manager’s Advanced Search panel and you’ll get the exact results quickly. Not just these, you can search for coupons based on any complex conditions.

    Say, coupons having a fixed % amount greater than 20 but less than 50, the usage limit greater than 1 but less than 4, the expiry date set to Aug 31, 2021. All those coupons matching the conditions will be displayed within seconds.

    Extend coupons and run an extended sale

    You have generated five different types of coupons getting expired on 2nd December. But to increase sales, you want to run an extended sale period. And set the expiry date of these multiple coupons to 4th December.

    To do that, simply go to Smart Manager, search for these coupons and extend their expiry date at once using Smart Manager’s Bulk Edit functionality.

    Find and delete coupons based on a keyword

    Before going live with a coupon, it’s a good practice to test them first. Now, you may have created several test coupons and mostly, the coupon code will have the name ‘Test’.

    Deleting all these test coupons one by one is tiresome. With Smart Manager at your aid, you don’t need to dig through all the coupons.

    Search using the keyword ‘test’ in Smart Manager and the coupons having that keyword will get displayed. Select all and click on “delete”. Done instantly!

    Extend Black Friday store credit till Christmas or Boxing Day

    A simple tactic to encourage repeat purchases.

    Christmas time gives low sales. So why not extend the store credit redemption limit till 28th December on purchases made during Black Friday or Cyber Monday so that customers buy again!

    No guesses here. Use Smart Manager and accomplish the job.

    Restrict coupons only to @gmail addresses

    Now, it may so happen that users having any random email use your coupon code and buy your plugins or keep playing with it on the site. You may have set allowed emails to @gmail for some coupons. But now, you want to do it for all coupons.

    Select all your coupons in Smart Manager, click on Bulk Edit, select ‘Allowed Emails’, set it to ‘*’ and Update.

    All your coupon codes will now be restricted to customers containing ‘@gmail’ in their email address entered during checkout.

    Find all coupons for excluded products or categories

    Again, use Smart Manager’s search filter. Using Advanced Search, select the fields “Exclude Product IDs” or “Exclude Product Categories”, enter the appropriate data and your desired results will be in front of you.

    Search for specific coupons & set the ‘individual use’ option to true

    Black Friday / CyberMonday happens to be the best sales period for the majority of online stores. Now, you may be running a very big offer. And so you only want a single coupon to apply and no other coupons.

    So using Smart Manager, you can select all those coupons which should not be used along with your main coupon, click on Bulk Edit and set the ‘Individual use’ option to ‘Yes’.

    Extend or Reduce the ‘Active for X payments’ for subscription coupons

    You have set subscription coupons for renewal payments for six months. Now, as a bait to retain customers, you want to extend that recurring coupons use to twelve months.

    Go to Smart Manager, select the desired subscription coupons, click on Bulk Edit, set the ‘Active for X payments’ field to 12.

    This means existing customers of those coupons will get recurring discounts for additional 6 months.

    Extend expired and unused balance store credits

    You may have customers who haven’t used their store credit yet. And you want to encourage them to use the store credit on purchasing from your store.

    As usual, use the search filter using Smart Manager and update the expiry date of all these coupons at once. Then export CSV of the same coupons to send a reminder email to the customers.

    Modify coupons based on locations, payment methods, shipping methods, allowed user roles

    You want to restrict all your store credit coupons for US customers or allow selected coupons for flat rate shipping.

    You also want to restrict some coupons only to the ‘Customer’ user role or allow only PayPal for selected coupons. And all these in bulk!

    Look nowhere except Smart Manager. But, you must be using Smart Coupons plugin to do this task.

    Start making more sales today

    All these coupons use cases will surely help grow sales.

    Your coupon management which was earlier a headache will now be a stress-buster. All because of Smart Manager.

    Bulk edit, one-page coupon management, excel-like spreadsheet, compatibility…what more do you need? Smart Manager is a complete package. Buy Smart Manager and make all your coming years great in terms of sales.

    Get Smart Manager

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